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A meal does not have to include meat to complete your protein requirements. Vegetarian options can be combined smartly to complete all your protein needs.
Most animal products can be called as complete proteins because they contain all the essential amino acids. However the amino acid profile of vegetarian sources of protein lack some amino acids which makes them an incomplete food.
Vegetarian foods should be combined by keeping their amino acid profiles in mind. This will make sure the vegetarian guy is getting all the necessary amino acids in his body.
Essential Amino Acids List
How can this be done?
Rice and pulses is a staple. Let us analyse their amino acid profiles
Out of 9 essential amino acids Rice and other grains like wheat , bajra or jowar all lack the essential amino acids lysine and threanine.
However if we couple them with some legumes/pulses we can get lysine and threanine in our diet. Legumes contain these amino acids but lack methionine which is present in grains.
So a meal of grains and legumes/pulses lends a complete amino acid profile to the meal. Some nuts and seeds can be added for additional amino acids and nutrition.
Nuts and seeds usually lack lysine which is present in adequate quantities in pulses.
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