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The root of the ginger plant has amazing therapeutic properties that have made it a valuable medicine as well as an aid to good health. This should always be a part of your diet. The benefits are innumerable. However these major benefits will make you take this on priority.
Prevents Muscle soreness
A dosage of around 1-3 g before workout has proven to alleviate muscle soreness[1]. However this will take some time to show noticeable affects.
Can help women to alleviate pain during menstrual cycles
Ibuprofen, which is a popular pain killer was similar in alleviating pain vis-a-vis ginger. Ginger was as effective as mefenamic acid and ibuprofen in relieving pain in women with primary dysmenorrhea[2].
Can help in weight loss
Ginger can increase the thermic effect of food. The increased thermic effect results into increased satiety[3].
Effect on testosterone
In a study done on infertile men a dose of 10-15 gm split into multiple dosages throughout the day was able to increase testosterone and seminal quality.[4]
Helps in digestion
A fresh slice of ginger before lunch and dinner can help in increasing digestion.
Supports healthy heart
In a study conducted there was a significant reduce in triglyceride, cholesterol, low density lipoprotein (LDL), very low density lipoprotein (VLDL), levels after supplementing with ginger.
Apart from the above mentioned benefits ginger has been found useful in facilitating proper brain function and reducing inflammation.
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